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The solution with you at the border 24 hours a day*

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Simplify and secure your customs declarations with ASD Customs

ASD Customs is a SaaS solution, complete and centralised, dedicated to the administrative management of all your customs clearance procedures.

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Discover the benefits of ASD Customs

Time saving

The waiting time for vehicles parked at a customs stop is considerably reduced.


According to data from professional organisations, the average cost of waiting for a vehicle is €1 per minute.


All customs procedures and documents are grouped in a single interface.


Optimisation of all your electronic exchanges with stakeholders (customers and logistics providers).


You ensure that your customs declarations are compliant.


Anticipate customs declarations and present them at customs controls.

Why ASD Customs?

Demonstrate your compliance with the administration’s requirements

In the context of the Brexit, in particular, and in order to facilitate the flow of goods between France and Great Britain, a new procedure was born, the – SI BREXIT – “S” for System “I” for Intelligent. It allows customs clearance to be carried out on the ferry or shuttle freight during the crossing.

ASD Customs meets the requirements of the regulations in terms of customs clearance and allows the declarants to manage the import/export declarations.

What does ASD Customs do?

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Centralized and digital management of all your documents

You can load all the documents related to your various customs operations and retrieve them at any time. This saves a lot of time during controls.

Collaboration between all operators

With all parties involved (logistics, accountant, carrier and customer) having access to our platform, the collection and compliance of mandatory documents is simplified.

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Optimised global view for monitoring each operation

ASD Customs is a tool for centralising your customs operations and customs document management. All this with the aim of offering you a global visibility which allows you to concentrate on the essential.


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