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Keep up-to-date with the latest news on VAT, E-commerce, customs and posting of workers

Le système VerifActu approuvé en Espagne

The VerifActu system approved in Spain

Under Law 11/2021, the Spanish government has made it compulsory for companies to use approved Computerised Invoicing Systems (CIS) to combat tax fraud. The “VerifActu...

France : réforme de la carte BTP

France: Reform of the BTP card

Introduced by law no. 2015-990 of 6 August 2015, the Professional Identification Card for employees in the construction and public works sector, known as the...

Lettonie  Augmentation des seuils Intrastat  en 2024

Latvia: Increase in Intrastat thresholds in 2024

In accordance with their desire to comply with Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament, the Latvian Statistical Office on the basis of paragraph 2...

Danemark : Augmentation des seuils Intrastat en 2024

Denmark: Increase in Intrastat thresholds in 2024

From 2024, the Danish tax authorities have decided to introduce a number of changes to the reporting requirements for intra-Community trade. The new Intrastat 2024...

Hongrie  Augmentation des seuils Intrastat en 2024

Hungary: Increase in Intrastat thresholds in 2024

In order to determine the coverage rate obligation, the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (OCSH) annually sets the thresholds for the provision of Intrastat data on...

Portugal : Modification des seuils intrastat à partir de 2024

Portugal: Changes to intrastat thresholds from 2024

With a view to reducing the administrative burden on companies in respect of their intra-Community transactions, the National Institute of Statistics (“Instituto Nacional de Estatística”)...

République de Chypre  Modification des seuils Intrastat à partir de 202

Cyprus: Changes to Intrastat thresholds from 2024

In accordance with the ministerial decree, the Council of Ministers defines the INTRASTAT statistical thresholds each year. With this in mind, a number of changes...

Fermeture de notre établissement ASD Group à Lyon

Closure of our ASD Group site in Lyon

We would like to inform our clients that our establishment ASD France SARL located in Lyon at : 10 Boulevard Marius Vivier Merle 69003 LYON...

Réforme douanière de l'Union européenne de 2028 : nouvelles réalités pour le e-commerce

EU customs reform 2028: new realities for e-commerce

From 2028, marketplaces and e-commerce platforms will assume greater responsibility for the products they distribute within the European Union. Increased responsibility of marketplaces and e-commerce...

Estonie : Augmentation du taux de TVA standard

Estonia: Increase in standard VAT rate

On 12 June 2023, the Estonian Parliament (Riigikogu) passed Bill No. 225 SE, making partial amendments to the VAT Act. The bill includes several...

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