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MyASD: the perfect software platform
for your international development

Optimise the management and performance of your international business by choosing our MyASD multiservice platform and its software solutions dedicated to tax operations, customs operations and the posting of foreign employees
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Optimise your vat with ASD QUICKPROOF

Manage your proofs of transport with ease. ASD QuickProof is a tool for centralising your proofs of delivery, transport tracking and intra-community operations.

Optimise your customs operations with ASD CUSTOMS

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ASD Customs is a SaaS solution, complete and centralised, dedicated to the administrative management of all your customs clearance procedures. It is also an innovative and cost-effective solution that helps you optimise all your electronic exchanges with the stakeholders of a customs clearance operation.
ASD Customs Screenshot 3

Speed up and simplifiy your customs clearance with ASD Smartline

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ASD Smartline is a mobile application for drivers and transporters that speeds up and facilitates customs controls at border crossings.

ASD Smartline Home Screen

Optimise your secondment missions with ASD SPW

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ASD So Posting Worker allows you, in SaaS mode, to manage all the obligations related to posting of foreign workers such as the storage of compulsory documents, the management of your posted employees, the applications for SIPSI and many other things.
ASD SPW Screenshot 2

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