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5 things to be aware of concerning the prior declaration of posting

Reading time: 3 minutes

The prior declaration of posting is used by foreign companies posting workers to France. Below are the key points required for an understanding of the prior declaration of posting and how to obtain it.


  •  Provision of service or operation for own account: this method of posting relates to the employees who are posted by their usual employer to provide a service for his direct clients.
  •  Intragroup mobility: this declaration concerns the workers posted by their usual employer who supply their services to the other companies of the group to which the employer belongs.
  •  Supply of temporary workers by a temporary staff agency: prior declaration of posting for a foreign temporary staff agency. This method of posting relates to the posted employees in the context of a mission to a client of their employer.


The Ministry of Labour has created a single online portal which enables any company posting workers to France to complete the necessary formalities. You will need to create an account at the official website and follow the steps. (The website is available in French and English only).


With effect from 1st October 2016, the prior declaration of posting is mandatory and must be completed exclusively online at the website The declaration is effective for the full duration of the posting (the maximum legal posting period is 24 months).


The declaration must be made before any service is supplied by a posted worker. Before each mission or provision of service in France, the declaration must be made at the Ministry of Labour website. In the event that any factors change during the posting, the declarant can amend his previous declaration and submit a new one. The old declaration is automatically archived in the government database and can be accessed by the Labour Inspectorate in the event of checks.


The prior posting form is divided into 6 sections. You will need to provide information concerning:
• data on the foreign company (contact details, registration number etc.)
• the employer (names of the directors, etc.)
• the representative in France responsible for liaising with the French authorities
• the principal or client (name, address, SIRET no. etc.)
• the mission or provision of service for which the workers are posted (places, dates, places of accommodation, etc.)
• the posted employees (name, address, salary, work schedule, etc.)


The Official Journal of the Republic of France published on 27thJanuary 2016 an order fixing the templates of the certificate of posting of drivers or seamen employed by transport companies. The order takes account of the amendments introduced by decree no. 2016-1044 of 29th July 2016 on the electronic submission of the declarations and certificates of posting of employees.
The certificate of posting mentioned in article R. 1331-2 of the transport code is prepared in accordance with one of the templates registered by the Department of Legal and Administrative Information, under CERFA numbers 15552*02, 15553*02 and 15554*02 respectively.
The certificate of posting is transmitted electronically using the “SIPSI” teleservice of the Ministry of Labour ( The order of 29th June 2016 on the certificate of posting of drivers or seamen employed by transport companies is repealed. The order returns to force on 1st January 2017.
As specialists in the posting of foreign workers to France, we can assist you in handling your procedures and help you to obtain a BTP card (construction worker’s identity card). To find out more, go to our dedicated page on this topic.
ASD has also created an application on posting for the transport sector. For further information, visit: or contact us through our contact form for personalised information.

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