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Failing to present a BTP card: the sanctions are doubled

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Employers who fail to be compliant with the obligation to declare their employees working in constrctions or public works by the means of a professional ID card (BTP card) will face administrative fines costing double their previous amount.

An order dated from 21st August 2019 doubles the maximum amount of this fine, which rises from €2,000 to €4,000 per employee. And from €4,000 in the event of a repeat offence within the span of a year to €8,000 in the event of a repeat offence within the span of 2 years. In the setting of the posting of employees working in the construction and public works sectors, with our 100% online platform for the management secondment, So Posting Worker, you can purchase your BTP cards directly on the platform. Our services take care of the rest. Doing so, you won’t take chances, avoiding administrative fines and sanctions  you would have faced if you were not compliant with this obligation.

Contact our experts for more information.

Source : La Lettre Mensuelle des Affaires – September 2019 – (pdf – in French)

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