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Posting of workers and controls, how to manage?

Reading time: 2 minutes

In France, as in many European countries, the posting of workers is highly regulated, and if you are an employer and second employees in another country, you must fulfill certain obligations.

Control and Representative

Whether you work in the Construction, Transport, Wine, or even Industry sectors, you may be subject to control by the labor authorities (labor inspectorate, gendarmerie, tax department, etc.) of the country of destination of your employees.

When posting workers, you are required to appoint a representative in the country of the posting. It is this representative whose role is to manage a control and to represent you in front of the authorities.


Mandatory documents during inspection

If you are controlled in France, you have the obligation to provide your representative with many documents, without delay such as:

  • The posting declaration of your seconded employee (s)
  • A document certifying the actual payment of the salary and the respect of the minimum remuneration
  • A record of hours (mentioning the beginning, the end and the duration of the daily working time of each worker)
  • The copy of designation by the employer of his representative
  • Form A1 or Social Security Maintenance Certificate
  • The employment contract

If the secondment lasts one month or more, the company must also provide the pay bills of each employee, or any document attesting the remuneration, including the following mentions:

  • Minimum wage (including overtime premiums)
  • The period and working hours corresponding to the salary
  • Holidays and holidays, and the remunerations relating thereto
  • The conditions of subjection to holiday and bad weather funds, where applicable
  • The name of the collective agreement of the branch applicable to the employee
  • In some cases, proof of the company’s activity in the initial country (such as Kbis or RCS registration for example) may also be required.

Strict sanctions

The controls on secondment are quite strict, the authorities also require that all documents provided be translated into the language of the country, and the Euro pay slips according to the ECB court.
Penalties, in case of non-national representation, or of no-show or non-possession of certain mandatory documents, can range from € 2,000 to € 500,000 depending on the number of employees seconded by the company, and severity of the error.

ASD Group offers a representation and control management service. As your sole interlocutor, we speak your language and offer to assist you during the checks of the French or Italian authorities. Discover all the services offered by ASD Group experts.

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