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Secondment or Posting of foreign workers in France

What is meant by posting of foreign workers?

For a foreign company, the transnational posting of workers is when employees, workers, engineers and executives are sent to another company in France temporarily as part of a specific task.

Such a specific type of recruitment practice helps to verify that foreign workers in France are present and are in compliance.

Measures have been put into place in order to combat illegal employment. The posting of foreign workers in France can only be carried out under certain conditions that every foreign company must adhere to:

The DIRECCTE (Regional Directorate for Enterprise, Competition, Consumption and Employment) will carry out a few inspections

DIRECCTE is a French organisation in charge of labour inspections. They have the authority to go into any company or construction site, without prior warning, and check that all workers present are in compliance, more importantly concerning their foreign posting contract. In the absence of the aforementioned contract, the following sanctions could be imposed:

Note: fines are very high, €4,000 per infraction and per worker. Depending on the type of posting, if nothing is done about the first fine, it may be increased from €12,000 to €16,000 per posted worker.


General contractor’s obligations and responsibilities

In some cases, both the general contractor along with the foreign companies that it employs are jointly and severely responsible. Therefore, they must check that their subcontractors that have been posted in the foreign country comply with all requirements and obligations.

The general contractor is jointly liable for the payment of penalties in the case of non-payment by the subcontractors.

This is why ASD has established a simple monitoring and warning system for general contractors.

Choosing ASD is a safe choice

The “SoPosting Worker” platform allows you to manage all data “step by step” without missing anything out, depending on the type of staff posting, whether it be temporary or intragroup, by using the dashboard and reminders. You can also manage the quality of the workers.
It can be even simpler. By using the “Comfort Service”, once you supply all the basic elements, ASD will take care of the rest.

Choosing ASD is a simple choice

The posting of foreign workers in France can be processed in 3 parts:
Avec la plateforme « SoPosting Worker », vous gérez toutes les données « pas à pas » sans en oublier, avec un tableau de bord et des rappels, en fonction du type de détachement de personnel, qu’il soit temporaire ou intragroupe, et de la qualité de salariés.
Encore plus simple, avec son « service confort » vous fournissez les éléments et ASD s’occupe du reste.

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